How do Expenses Work for a PM?

The Expenses Module allows costs for projects to be added through the Web Module or RedTeam Go Mobile App. Superintendents and those in the field can submit items from the mobile platform, Project Managers Approve the Expenses and Field Purchase Orders to add to project costs. Accountants can Accept Expenses/ Field Purchase Orders. Acceptance will push those values to an existing Accounting Integration.

To work with Expenses as a PM go to Accounting>Expenses to Access the Expenses List Screen.

  • Use the Caret Symbol to expand or roll up Expenses and PO by Project.
  • Use Ellipses to PrintEdit or Approve each Expense and Purchase Order.
  • Use Filter icon to view only your Projects or switch between Approved and Unapproved Expense records.

Use the Gear icon to work with the Payment methods that will be selected for each Expenses/ Field PO, approve in Bulk and download reports in bulk.